An extension of DrawScope to include map-specific features
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abstract fun drawCircle(brush: Brush, radius: Float, center: Offset, alpha: Float, style: DrawStyle, colorFilter: ColorFilter?, blendMode: BlendMode)
abstract fun drawCircle(color: Color, radius: Float, center: Offset, alpha: Float, style: DrawStyle, colorFilter: ColorFilter?, blendMode: BlendMode)
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abstract fun drawPoints(points: List<Offset>, pointMode: PointMode, brush: Brush, strokeWidth: Float, cap: StrokeCap, pathEffect: PathEffect?, alpha: Float, colorFilter: ColorFilter?, blendMode: BlendMode)
abstract fun drawPoints(points: List<Offset>, pointMode: PointMode, color: Color, strokeWidth: Float, cap: StrokeCap, pathEffect: PathEffect?, alpha: Float, colorFilter: ColorFilter?, blendMode: BlendMode)
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abstract fun drawRoundRect(brush: Brush, topLeft: Offset, size: Size, cornerRadius: CornerRadius, alpha: Float, style: DrawStyle, colorFilter: ColorFilter?, blendMode: BlendMode)
abstract fun drawRoundRect(color: Color, topLeft: Offset, size: Size, cornerRadius: CornerRadius, style: DrawStyle, alpha: Float, colorFilter: ColorFilter?, blendMode: BlendMode)
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