
data class ArcFeature<T : Any>(val space: CoordinateSpace<T>, val oval: Rectangle<T>, val startAngle: Angle, val arcLength: Angle, val attributes: Attributes = Attributes.EMPTY) : DraggableFeature<T>



the angle from 3 o'clock downwards for the start of the arc in radians


arc length in radians


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constructor(space: CoordinateSpace<T>, oval: Rectangle<T>, startAngle: Angle, arcLength: Angle, attributes: Attributes = Attributes.EMPTY)


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val arcLength: Angle
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open override val attributes: Attributes
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val Feature<*>.color: Color?
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open override val space: CoordinateSpace<T>
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val startAngle: Angle
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val Feature<*>.z: Float
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open operator fun contains(viewPoint: ViewPoint<T>): Boolean
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open override fun getBoundingBox(zoom: Float): Rectangle<T>
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open override fun withAttributes(modify: (Attributes) -> Attributes): Feature<T>
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open override fun withCoordinates(newCoordinates: T): Feature<T>