kmath
0.3.1-dev-RC
common
kmath-ast
space.
kscience.
kmath.
asm
compile()
compile
To
Expression()
space.
kscience.
kmath.
ast
Arithmetics
Evaluator
evaluate
Constants()
interpret()
parse
Math()
to
Expression()
try
Parse
Math()
Typed
Mst
Binary
Constant
Unary
Variable
space.
kscience.
kmath.
ast.
rendering
Better
Exponent
Better
Fraction
Better
Multiplication
Binary
Binary
Minus
Companion
Binary
Minus
Syntax
Binary
Operator
Companion
Binary
Operator
Syntax
Binary
Plus
Companion
Binary
Plus
Syntax
Binary
Syntax
Exponent
Companion
Exponent
Syntax
Featured
Math
Renderer
Render
Feature
Featured
Math
Renderer
With
Post
Process
Companion
Post
Process
Phase
Fraction
Companion
Fraction
Syntax
Inverse
Hyperbolic
Operations
Companion
Inverse
Trigonometric
Operations
Companion
Latex
Syntax
Renderer
Math
MLSyntax
Renderer
Math
Renderer
Math
Syntax
Multiplication
Companion
Multiplication
Syntax
Number
Syntax
Operand
Syntax
Operation
Syntax
Operator
Name
Syntax
Power
Companion
Pretty
Print
Floats
Companion
Pretty
Print
Integers
Companion
Pretty
Print
Pi
Companion
Print
Numeric
Print
Symbol
Radical
Syntax
Radical
With
Index
Syntax
render
With
String
Builder()
Simplify
Parentheses
Companion
Special
Symbol
Syntax
Kind
Square
Root
Companion
Subscript
Syntax
Superscript
Syntax
Symbol
Syntax
Syntax
Renderer
Terminal
Syntax
Unary
Unary
Minus
Companion
Unary
Minus
Syntax
Unary
Operator
Companion
Unary
Operator
Syntax
Unary
Plus
Companion
Unary
Plus
Syntax
Unary
Syntax
space.
kscience.
kmath.
estree
compile()
compile
To
Expression()
space.
kscience.
kmath.
wasm
compile()
compile
To
Expression()
kmath-commons
space.
kscience.
kmath.
commons.
expressions
Cm
Ds
Expression
Cm
Ds
Field
Derivative
Structure
Symbol
Cm
Ds
Processor
space.
kscience.
kmath.
commons.
integration
CMGauss
Rule
Integrator
Companion
Gauss
Rule
CMIntegrator
Companion
target
Absolute
Accuracy
target
Relative
Accuracy
space.
kscience.
kmath.
commons.
linear
CMDecomposition
CMLinear
Space
CMMatrix
CMVector
dot()
inverse()
lup
Solver()
minus()
plus()
solve()
solver()
to
Point()
space.
kscience.
kmath.
commons.
optimization
cm
Engine()
cm
Optimization
Data()
CMOptimizer
CMOptimizer
Data
CMOptimizer
Engine
component1()
component2()
simplex
Steps()
space.
kscience.
kmath.
commons.
random
CMRandom
Generator
Wrapper
space.
kscience.
kmath.
commons.
transform
fft()
real()
Transformations
kmath-complex
space.
kscience.
kmath.
complex
algebra
Complex
Companion
complex()
Complex
Field
Complex
Field
Complex
Field
Ops
Companion
conjugate
nd
Algebra
normalized()
Quaternion
Companion
Quaternion()
quaternion()
Quaternion
Field
r
reciprocal
theta
to
Complex()
with
Nd
Algebra()
kmath-core
space.
kscience.
kmath.
data
as
Columnar
Data()
as
XYData()
Columnar
Data
indices
XYColumnar
Data
Companion
XYError
Columnar
Data
Companion
XYZColumnar
Data
space.
kscience.
kmath.
domains
center
Domain
Domain1D
Double
Domain
Double
Domain1D
Hyper
Square
Domain
Unconstrained
Domain
space.
kscience.
kmath.
expressions
acos()
acosh()
asin()
asinh()
atan()
atanh()
autodiff
Auto
Diff
Processor
Auto
Diff
Value
binding
const()
cos()
cosh()
Derivation
Result
derivative()
Derivative
Structure
Ring
Expression
Differentiable
Expression
Diff
Expression
With
Default
Double
Expression
Companion
DSAlgebra
DSSymbol
DSCompiler
DSField
DSField
Expression
DSField
Processor
DSRing
exp()
Expression
expression()
Expression
Algebra
expression
In
Extended
Field()
expression
In
Field()
expression
In
Group()
expression
In
Ring()
Expression
With
Default
First
Derivative
Expression
Functional
Expression
Algebra
Functional
Expression
Extended
Field
Functional
Expression
Field
Functional
Expression
Group
Functional
Expression
Ring
get()
grad()
interpret()
Int
Expression
Companion
invoke()
ln()
Long
Expression
Companion
Binary
Numeric
Unary
Mst
Extended
Field
Mst
Field
Mst
Group
Mst
Logic
Algebra
Mst
Numeric
Algebra
Mst
Ring
named()
Named
Matrix
Companion
pow()
set()
simple
Auto
Diff()
Simple
Auto
Diff
Expression
Simple
Auto
Diff
Extended
Field
Simple
Auto
Diff
Field
Simple
Symbol
Indexer
sin()
sinh()
Special
Differentiable
Expression
sqr()
sqrt()
Symbol
Companion
symbol
Symbol()
Symbol
Indexer
tan()
tanh()
to
Expression()
value
with
Default
Args()
with
Symbols()
space.
kscience.
kmath.
linear
as
Matrix()
as
Vector()
Buffered
Linear
Space
Cholesky
Decomposition
Feature
column()
compute
Feature()
Determinant
Feature
Determinant
Feature()
Diagonal
Feature
Companion
Double
Linear
Space
Inverse
Matrix
Feature
invoke()
LFeature
Linear
Solver
Linear
Space
Companion
linear
Space
LUDecomposition
Feature
lup()
Lup
Decomposition
Lup
Decomposition
Feature
lup
Solver()
matrix()
Matrix
Builder
Matrix
Feature
Matrix
Wrapper
one()
origin
Orthogonal
Feature
plus()
QRDecomposition
Feature
row()
Singular
Value
Decomposition
Feature
symmetric()
Symmetric
Matrix
Feature
transpose()
Transposed
Feature
UFeature
Unit
Feature
vector()
virtual()
Virtual
Matrix
with
Feature()
with
Features()
zero()
Zero
Feature
space.
kscience.
kmath.
misc
cumulative()
cumulative
Sum()
Feature
Featured
Feature
Set
Companion
indices
Sorted()
indices
Sorted
By()
indices
Sorted
By
Descending()
indices
Sorted
Descending()
indices
Sorted
With()
log()
Loggable
Companion
require
Sorted()
sorted()
sorted
By()
sorted
By
Descending()
sorted
Descending()
to
Int
Exact()
zip
With
Next
Circular()
space.
kscience.
kmath.
nd
Algebra
Companion
as1D()
as2D()
as
Array()
as
List()
as
ND()
Buffer
Algebra
Companion
Buffered
Field
Ops
Buffered
Group
Buffered
Ring
Ops
Buffer
Buffer
ND()
Column
Strides
Companion
component1()
component2()
component3()
content
Equals()
content
Hash
Code()
Double
Buffer
Double
Field
Double
Field
Ops
Companion
Field
Field
Ops
first()
for
Each()
for
Each
Indexed()
get()
get
Double()
get
Feature()
get
Int()
Group
Group
Ops
Companion
Index
Out
Of
Shape
Exception
indices
Int
Buffer
Int
Ring
Int
Ring
Ops
Companion
is
Empty()
is
Not
Empty()
last()
linear
Size
map
Inline()
Mutable
Buffer
Mutable
Buffer
ND()
Mutable
Structure1D
Mutable
Structure2D
Mutable
Structure
Mutable
Structure
Double
nd
nd
Algebra
one()
permute()
Permuted
Mutable
Structure
Permuted
Structure
plus()
Ring
Ring
Ops
Companion
roll()
Row
Strides
Companion
set()
Shape
Indexer
Shape
Mismatch
Exception
Shape
Shape
ND()
Short
Ring
Short
Ring
Ops
Companion
slice()
Strides
Strides()
Structure1D
Companion
Structure2D
Companion
Structure
Feature
Structure
Companion
structure
ND()
Structure
Double
Structure
Int
to
Array()
transposed()
Virtual
Double
Structure
Virtual
Int
Structure
Virtual
Structure
with
Nd
Algebra()
With
Shape
zero()
space.
kscience.
kmath.
operations
abs()
acos()
acosh()
Algebra
algebra
asin()
asinh()
as
Iterable()
as
Sequence()
atan()
atanh()
average()
average
Of()
average
With()
Big
Int
Companion
Big
Int
Field
bind
Symbol()
bind
Symbol
Or
Null()
Boolean
Algebra
buffer()
Buffer
Algebra
buffer
Algebra
Buffer
Field
Buffer
Field
Ops
Buffer
Ring
Ops
Buffer
Transform
Byte
Ring
combine
To
Buffer()
cos()
cosh()
covariance()
dispersion()
Double
Buffer
Field
Double
Buffer
Ops
Companion
Double
Field
Double
L2Norm
e
exp()
Exponential
Operations
Companion
Extended
Field
Extended
Field
Ops
Field
Companion
Field
Ops
Companion
Float
Field
fold()
fold
Indexed()
Group
Group
Ops
Companion
Int
Ring
invoke()
is
Integer()
JBig
Decimal
Field
Companion
JBig
Decimal
Field
Base
JBig
Integer
Field
ln()
Logic
Algebra
Companion
Long
Ring
map
Indexed
To
Buffer()
map
To
Buffer()
mutable
Buffer()
nd
Norm
Numbers
Add
Ops
Numeric
Algebra
parse
Big
Integer()
pi
pow()
Power
Operations
Companion
reduce()
Ring
Companion
Ring
Ops
Companion
Scale
Operations
Short
Ring
sin()
sinh()
std()
sum()
sum
Of()
sum
With()
sum
With
Group
Of()
tan()
tanh()
to
Big
Int()
to
List()
to
Mutable
List()
to
Typed
Array()
Trigonometric
Operations
Companion
With
Size
with
Size()
space.
kscience.
kmath.
structures
Array
Buffer
as
Buffer()
as
Mutable
Buffer()
as
Read
Only()
Buffer
Companion
Buffer
Expanded
Buffer
Factory
Companion
Buffer
Slice
Buffer
View
Byte
Buffer
Byte
Buffer()
Double
Buffer
Companion
Double
Buffer()
Double
Buffer
Transform
expand()
first()
Flagged
Buffer
Flagged
Double
Buffer
Float
Buffer
Float
Buffer()
for
Each
Valid()
get()
get
Double()
get
Int()
get
Or
Null()
has
Flag()
indices
Int
Buffer
Int
Buffer()
is
Missing()
is
Valid()
last()
List
Buffer
Long
Buffer
Long
Buffer()
Memory
Buffer
Companion
Mutable
Buffer
Companion
Mutable
Buffer
Factory
Companion
Mutable
List
Buffer
Mutable
Memory
Buffer
Companion
permute()
Permuted
Buffer
Permuted
Mutable
Buffer
Primitive
Buffer
Read
Only
Buffer
Short
Buffer
Short
Buffer()
slice()
to
Byte
Array()
to
Double
Array()
to
Double
Buffer()
to
Float
Array()
to
Int
Array()
to
Long
Array()
to
Short
Array()
Value
Flag
Virtual
Buffer
kmath-coroutines
space.
kscience.
kmath.
chains
as
Chain()
as
Sequence()
Blocking
Buffer
Chain
Blocking
Chain
Blocking
Double
Chain
Companion
Blocking
Int
Chain
Buffer
Chain
Chain
Companion
combine()
combine
With
State()
Constant
Chain
cumulative
Sum()
filter()
iterator()
map()
Markov
Chain
mean()
next
Buffer()
next
Buffer
Blocking()
Simple
Chain
Stateful
Chain
zip()
space.
kscience.
kmath.
coroutines
async()
Async
Flow
collect()
map()
map
Parallel()
Math
space.
kscience.
kmath.
streaming
as
Flow()
chunked()
Ring
Buffer
Companion
spread()
windowed()
space.
kscience.
kmath.
structures
async()
await()
Lazy
Structure
map
Async()
map
Async
Indexed()
kmath-dimensions
space.
kscience.
kmath.
dimensions
D1
D2
D3
dim()
Dimension
Companion
DMatrix
Companion
DMatrix
Context
Companion
DMatrix
Wrapper
DPoint
Companion
DPoint
Wrapper
of()
one()
resolve()
zero()
kmath-ejml
space.
kscience.
kmath.
ejml
Ejml
Double
Matrix
Ejml
Double
Vector
Ejml
Float
Matrix
Ejml
Float
Vector
Ejml
Linear
Space
Ejml
Linear
Space
Ejml
Linear
Space
Ejml
Linear
Space
Ejml
Linear
Space
Ejml
Matrix
Ejml
Vector
kmath-for-real
space.
kscience.
kmath.
real
append
Column()
average()
average
By
Column()
cos()
div()
dot()
Double
Vector()
exp()
extract
Column()
extract
Columns()
from
Range()
inverse
With
Lup()
invoke()
length
ln()
log10()
map()
map
Indexed()
map
Inline()
max()
max
By
Column()
min()
min
By
Column()
minus()
norm
plus()
pow()
real
Matrix()
repeat
Stack
Vertical()
same()
sin()
sqrt()
square()
step()
sum()
sum
By
Column()
tan()
times()
to
Matrix()
unary
Minus()
with
Fixed
Step()
kmath-functions
space.
kscience.
kmath.
functions
as
Function()
as
Function
Over()
as
Polynomial()
differentiate()
integrate()
Piecewise
Piecewise
Builder
Piecewise
Polynomial
Piecewise
Polynomial()
Polynomial
Polynomial()
Polynomial
Space
polynomial
Space
value()
space.
kscience.
kmath.
integration
build()
calls
Double
Simpson
Integrator
Double
Spline
Integrator
Gauss
Integrator
Companion
gauss
Integrator
Gauss
Integrator
Rule
Factory
Companion
Gauss
Legendre
Rule
Factory
get
Feature()
Integrand
Integrand
Absolute
Accuracy
Integrand
Calls
Performed
Integrand
Feature
Integrand
Iterations
Range
Integrand
Max
Calls
Integrand
Relative
Accuracy
Integrand
Value
integrate()
Integration
Range
Integrator
Multivariate
Integrand
Multivariate
Integrand()
Simpson
Integrator
simpson
Integrator
Spline
Integrator
spline
Integrator
Univariate
Integrand
Univariate
Integrand()
Univariate
Integrand
Ranges
Univariate
Integration
Nodes
value
value
Or
Null
space.
kscience.
kmath.
interpolation
interpolate()
interpolate
Polynomials()
Interpolator
Linear
Interpolator
linear
Interpolator
Polynomial
Interpolator
Spline
Interpolator
spline
Interpolator
kmath-geometry
[root]
length
line
space.
kscience.
kmath.
geometry
abs()
Angle
Companion
Angle
Serializer
as
Vector3D()
Circle2D
circumference
component1()
component2()
component3()
cos()
Degrees
degrees
equals
Float()
equals
Line()
equals
Vector()
Euclidean2DSpace
Vector
Serializer
Euclidean3DSpace
Vector
Serializer
from
Euler()
from
Rotation()
from
Rotation
Matrix()
Geometry
Space
Companion
Line
Line()
line()
Line
Segment
Line
Segment()
normalized()
Polygon
project
Along()
project
To
Line()
r
Radians
radians
Reference
Frame
rotate()
Rotation
Order
sin()
tan()
theta
to
Rotation
Matrix()
Vector
vector
Vector2D
Vector3D
kmath-histograms
space.
kscience.
kmath.
histogram
Bin
Bin1D
bin
Values
center
Counter
Companion
custom1D()
dec()
Domain
Bin
fill()
Histogram
Companion
Histogram1D
Histogram1DBuilder
Histogram
Builder
Histogram
Group
Histogram
inc()
Int
Counter
Long
Counter
Object
Counter
produce()
put()
Tree
Histogram
Tree
Histogram
Group
uniform1D()
uniform
Double
NDFrom
Ranges()
Uniform
Histogram1D
Uniform
Histogram1DGroup
Uniform
Histogram
Group
uniform
NDFrom
Ranges()
kmath-jafama
space.
kscience.
kmath.
jafama
Jafama
Double
Field
Strict
Jafama
Double
Field
kmath-jupyter
space.
kscience.
kmath.
jupyter
to
Mst()
kmath-kotlingrad
space.
kscience.
kmath.
kotlingrad
KMath
Number
Kotlingrad
Expression
Kotlingrad
Processor
to
Kotlingrad
Expression()
to
Mst()
to
SConst()
to
SFun()
kmath-memory
space.
kscience.
kmath
Performance
Pitfall
Unsafe
KMath
Unstable
KMath
space.
kscience.
kmath.
memory
allocate()
as
Memory()
Memory
Companion
Memory
Reader
Memory
Spec
Memory
Writer
read()
read
Array()
read
As
Memory()
wrap()
write()
write
Array()
kmath-multik
space.
kscience.
kmath.
multik
Multik
Division
Tensor
Algebra
Multik
Double
Algebra
Multik
Float
Algebra
Multik
Int
Algebra
Multik
Long
Algebra
Multik
Short
Algebra
Multik
Tensor
Multik
Tensor
Algebra
kmath-nd4j
space.
kscience.
kmath.
nd4j
as
Double
Structure()
as
Float
Structure()
as
Int
Structure()
Double
Nd4j
Array
Field
Double
Nd4j
Array
Field
Ops
Companion
Double
Nd4j
Tensor
Algebra
Float
Nd4j
Array
Field
Float
Nd4j
Array
Field
Ops
Companion
Int
Nd4j
Array
Ring
Int
Nd4j
Array
Ring
Ops
Companion
nd4j
Nd4j
Array
Algebra
Nd4j
Array
Double
Structure
Nd4j
Array
Extended
Field
Ops
Nd4j
Array
Field
Companion
Nd4j
Array
Float
Structure
Nd4j
Array
Group
Ops
Nd4j
Array
Int
Structure
Nd4j
Array
Ring
Ops
Companion
Nd4j
Array
Structure
Nd4j
Tensor
Algebra
kmath-optimization
space.
kscience.
kmath.
optimization
chi
Squared
Or
Null
dof
fit
With()
Function
Optimization
Function
Optimization()
Function
Optimization
Builder
Function
Optimization
Target
get
Feature()
maximum
Log
Likelihood()
Optimization
Builder
Optimization
Covariance
Optimization
Feature
Optimization
Iterations
Optimization
Log
Optimization
Parameters
Optimization
Prior
Optimization
Problem
Optimization
Result
Optimization
Start
Point
Optimization
Value
Optimizer
optimize
With()
Point
To
Curve
Distance
Companion
Point
Weight
Companion
Qow
Optimizer
Qow
Runs
result
Point
result
Point
Or
Null
result
Value
result
Value
Or
Null
start
At()
start
Point
with
Feature()
with
Features()
XYOptimization()
XYOptimization
Builder
kmath-stat
space.
kscience.
kmath.
distributions
Distribution
Companion
Distribution1D
Distribution
Builder
Factorized
Distribution
integral()
Named
Distribution
Named
Distribution
Wrapper
Normal
Distribution
Normal
Distribution()
uniform()
Uniform
Distribution
space.
kscience.
kmath.
random
as
Coroutine
Scope()
async()
chain()
Default
Generator
launch()
MCScope
mc
Scope()
Random
Chain
Random
Generator
Companion
Uniform
Double
Chain
space.
kscience.
kmath.
samplers
Ahrens
Dieter
Exponential
Sampler
Companion
Ahrens
Dieter
Marsaglia
Tsang
Gamma
Sampler
Companion
Alias
Method
Discrete
Sampler
Companion
Basic
Sampler
Blocking
Double
Sampler
Box
Muller
Sampler
Constant
Sampler
Gaussian
Sampler
Companion
Kemp
Small
Mean
Poisson
Sampler
Kemp
Small
Mean
Poisson
Sampler()
Large
Mean
Poisson
Sampler
Companion
Marsaglia
Normalized
Gaussian
Sampler
Normalized
Gaussian
Sampler
Companion
Poisson
Sampler()
Sampler
Space
Small
Mean
Poisson
Sampler
Ziggurat
Normalized
Gaussian
Sampler
space.
kscience.
kmath.
series
acos()
acosh()
asin()
asinh()
atan()
atanh()
cos()
cosh()
exp()
import()
ln()
Monotonic
Series
Algebra
power()
Series
Series
Algebra
Companion
series
Algebra()
sin()
sinh()
sqrt()
tan()
tanh()
space.
kscience.
kmath.
stat
as
Uniform
Random
Provider()
Blocking
Statistic
chi
Squared
Expression()
Composable
Statistic
ecdf()
flow()
from
Source()
invoke()
KMComparison
Result
ks
Comparison
Statistic()
Mean
Companion
mean
Median
Companion
mersenne
Twister()
next()
next
Buffer()
Random
Generator
Provider
Random
Source
Generator
Rank
Companion
sample
Buffer()
Sampler
Statistic
Statistical
Algebra
Value
And
Error
Value
And
Error
Field
kmath-symja
space.
kscience.
kmath.
symja
Symja
Expression
to
IExpr()
to
Mst()
to
Symja
Expression()
kmath-tensorflow
space.
kscience.
kmath.
tensorflow
cos()
Double
Tensor
Flow
Algebra
Double
Tensor
Flow
Output
Int
Tensor
Flow
Output
Long
Tensor
Flow
Output
produce
Map
With
TF()
produce
With
TF()
sin()
Tensor
Flow
Algebra
Tensor
Flow
Array
Tensor
Flow
Output
Tensor
Flow
Tensor
kmath-tensors
space.
kscience.
kmath.
tensors.
api
Analytic
Tensor
Algebra
Linear
Ops
Tensor
Algebra
Tensor
Algebra
Tensor
Partial
Division
Algebra
space.
kscience.
kmath.
tensors.
core
as
Double
Buffer()
as
Double
Tensor()
as
Double
Tensor1D()
as
Double
Tensor2D()
as
Int
Tensor()
Broadcast
Double
Tensor
Algebra
Buffered
Tensor
cholesky()
copy
To
Tensor()
covariance()
det
LU()
Double
Tensor
Double
Tensor1D
Double
Tensor2D
Double
Tensor
Algebra
Companion
for
Each
Matrix()
Int
Tensor
Int
Tensor
Algebra
Companion
inv
LU()
lu()
lu
Factor()
lu
Pivot()
map()
map
In
Place()
Offset
Double
Buffer
Offset
Int
Buffer
one()
random
Normal()
random
Normal
Like()
slice()
stack()
svd()
sym
Eig
Jacobi()
sym
Eig
Svd()
tensor
Algebra
to
Double
Tensor()
with
Broadcast()
zero()
zip()
space.
kscience.
kmath.
tensors.
core.
internal
to
Pretty
String()
kmath-viktor
space.
kscience.
kmath.
viktor
as
Structure()
viktor
Algebra
Viktor
Buffer
Viktor
Field
Viktor
Field
ND()
Viktor
Field
Ops
Companion
Viktor
Structure
test-utils
space.
kscience.
kmath.
testutils
assert
Buffer
Equals()
content
Equals()
Field
Verifier
Ring
Verifier
Space
Verifier
kmath-complex
/
space.kscience.kmath.complex
/
QuaternionField
/
one
one
open
override
val
one
:
Quaternion
(
source
)