Package-level declarations


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class FeatureStateSnapshot<T : Any>(val features: Map<String, Feature<T>>, painterCache: Map<PainterFeature<T>, Painter>)
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class SvgDrawScope(state: CanvasState<XY>, graphics: SVGGraphics2D, painterCache: Map<PainterFeature<XY>, Painter>, defaultStrokeWidth: Float = 1.0f) : FeatureDrawScope<XY>


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fun FeatureStateSnapshot<XY>.exportToSvg(viewPoint: ViewPoint<XY>, width: Double, height: Double, path: Path)
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fun FeatureStateSnapshot<XY>.generateSvg(viewPoint: ViewPoint<XY>, width: Double, height: Double, id: String? = null): String
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