Assignment 1 (8 p.)

In this assignment you have to prepare your project workspace. In during semester, we will develop two projects: STEM framework and Super TEmperature Monitor.

  1. (1 p.) Create git repository for your project on Github (or MIPT Gitlab, SCP Gitea), and send me link on repository. Merge top commit of main branch from this repository in your repository (You can clone this repository? but mos interesting task is the creation from local repository).

  2. (1 p.) Create two directory (every directory used for single project: stem_framework and temperature_monitor, in both directory create python package stem and file

  3. (1 p.) Create license for both projects.

Next tasks performed in project STEM framework (directory stem_framework).

  1. (1 p.) Create file for deployment virtual enviroment (using venv, virtualenv or condaenv). Add command for deployment in project Virtual environment must be contained package necessary for develop project (not project dependency), namely Sphinx, Pylint and MyPy.

  2. (1 p.) Fill file for setuping stem package in developer mode.

  3. (1 p.) Read paper DataForge: Modular platform for data storage and analysis.

  4. (1 p.) Add next modules in stem package:,,, Add shortly module level docstring in modules,, In docstring describe conception of metadata and metadata processor. In describe task terms, in conception modularity software.

  5. (1 p.) Create Sphinx documentation of stem package (include docstrings of stem package). Add to repository configs for build documentation. Make integration between sphinx and, allow build documentation using python build_sphinx.

Assignment 2 (12 p.)

In this assignment you have to develop a metadata processor for the STEM Framework.

In the STEM, the task run includes three stage:

  1. Resolving the task dependencies and building the task tree.

  2. Metadata verification: each task has Specification which describes required meta and the metadata processor checks input meta the correspondence to the specification.

  3. The invocation of each task.

Meta is tree-like structure which contains key-value pairs on top level. The key is a string, the value is a primitive type, list or another Meta type. In the STEM we will use a dictionary and a dataclass as Meta objects.

Specification is description of mandatory part of the metadata which must be present in the Meta for the given task. The metadata processor checks whether the given meta corresponds specification before the execution of the task. In the STEM we use dataclass class-object if the dataclass instance is used as the Meta object and sequence of name-type pairs otherwise.

  1. (1 p.) In module create a protocol Dataclass as a type annotation for a dataclass object.

  2. (1 p.) In module create a type annotation for the next types:

    1. Meta — union of the dict and the Dataclass type.

    2. Specification field type SpecificationField — pairs of necessary meta key and necessary meta value type (this can be single type, tuple of types, or another specification if meta value is another Meta)

    3. Specification for specification — union of the Dataclass or tuple of the SpecifiationField type. Note: we can add additional type annotations if necessary.

  3. (1 p.) In module implement function get_meta_attr(meta : Meta, key : str, default : Optional[Any] = None) -> Optional[Any]: which return meta value by key from top level of meta or default if key don’t exist in meta.

  4. (1 p.) In module implement function def update_meta(meta: Meta, **kwargs): which update meta from kwargs.

  5. (6 p.) In module implement class MetaVerification — this class contains result of meta verification. It contains list of instance of dataclass MetaFieldError or another MetaVerification in the field errors:

    1. Implement property checked_success that returns True if there is no errors of verification.

    2. Implement staticmethod def verify(meta: Meta, specification: Optional[Specification] = None) -> "MetaVerification": which verify meta by specification. Raise SpecificationError if verification impossible.

  6. (2 p.) In module implement class Named with property name. This property returns value of private variable _name if it is not None and returns name of current class (Named or his children) in snake_case (for translation classname from PascalCase to snake_case implement def pascal_case_to_snake_case(name: str) -> str: function).

Assignment 3 (8 p.)

In this assignment you have to implement API for STEM task creation.

  1. (2 p.) In module implement decorator data(func: Callable[[Meta], T], specification: Optional[Specification] = None, **settings) -> FunctionDataTask[T] which wrap user function as FunctionDataTask object. Name of wrapped function and wrapped function have to forward as name and func arguments of the FunctionDataTask constructor. Argument specification and keyword arguments settings have to forward as specification and settings arguments of the FunctionDataTask constructor. Decorator can be applied as @data and as @data(...).

  2. (3 p.) In module implement decorator task(func: Callable[[Meta, ...], T], specification: Optional[Specification] = None, **settings) -> FunctionTask[T] which wrap user function as FunctionTask object. Name of wrapped function and wrapped function have to forward as name and func arguments of the FunctionTask constructor. Names of arguments of wrapped function (exclude argument meta) have to forward as dependencies argument (as tuple of str) of the FunctionTask constructor. Argument specification and keyword arguments settings have to forward as specification and settings arguments of the FunctionTask constructor. Decorator can be applied as @task and as @task(...).

  3. (1 p.) In module implement class MapTask which apply func for each element of the iterated dependence. Property name have to return the name of the dependence with the prefix "map_".

  4. (1 p.) In module implement class FilterTask which filter iterated dependence using key function. Property name have to return the name of the dependence with the prefix "filter_".

  5. (1 p.) In module implement class ReduceTask which reduce iterated dependence using func function. Property name have to return the name of the dependence with the prefix "reduce_".

Assignment 4 (14 p.)

In this assignment you have to implement building the task tree and automatically dependence resolving.

In the STEM, tasks union in special workspaces (which implemented as children of interface IWorkspace and can have sub-workspaces). Also, tasks can be defined on module level and in this case, its implicitly union to special module-workspaces.

  1. (8 p.) Implement metaclass Workspace(ABCMeta, ILocalWorkspace): in module This metaclass provides next features for user classes:

    1. The class-object itself must be returned on constructor call of user classes.

    2. Class-objects of user classes implement the interface ILocalWorkspace (see inheritance of Workspace class).

    3. All attributes (not methods) of the user workspace class, which inherit the class Task must be replaced on ProxyTask objects, using as attribute/method names as proxy names (The constructor of class ProxyTask receive two arguments: some task object and it proxy name).

    4. All ProxyTask attributes and methods (which inherit the class Task objects) of the user workspace class must be accessible from property tasks (Property tasks return dictionary, which have names of tasks in keys and itself tasks in values).

    5. All tasks (ProxyTask attributes and task-methods) must have the attribute _stem_workspace which contain this workspace.

    6. Attribute workspaces of the user workspace class must be converted to set if present else property workspaces must be return empty set (Property workspaces return set contains sub-workspaces of this workspace). Note: Metaclass is black magic, we can ignore ordinary rules of object creation.

  2. (2 p.) In module, in class IWorkspace implement method find_task(self, task_path: Union[str, TaskPath]) -> Optional[Task] which return task from this workspace or from his sub-workspaces. task_path is special TaskPath object or string in next format: names of sub-workspaces (can be no one) and the name of task joined by ".". If task_path contains only task name and task with this name absent in workspace should proceed search in sub-workspaces. Return None if task can’t be found.

  3. (3 p.) In module, in class IWorkspace implement staticmethod module_workspace(module: ModuleType) -> "IWorkspace" which return module-workspaces. Module-workspaces is the instance of the class LocalWorkspace, which contain tasks (instance of class Task or its subclasses) and workspaces (instance of class IWorkspace and its subclasses) defined in module associated with variable module. Module-workspace is contained in module variable __stem_workspace if this variable exists, otherwise you should create it and store it in this variable.

  4. (1 p.) In module, in class IWorkspace implement staticmethod find_default_workspace(task: Task) -> "IWorkspace". This method return _stem_workspace value if it exists and module-workspace for module which contains task definition.

Assignment 5 (16 (19) p.)

In this assignment you finish core part of the STEM. you have to unite all previous part and implement system of task execution.

For to start, let set rules of meta forwarding.

For example, consider next task tree:

And on the next example of meta:

    "a" : 1,
    "b" : 2,
    "int_reduce" : {
    "float_scale" : {
        "int_reduce" : {
            "aa" : 10,
            "int_scale" : {
                "bb" : 10,
    "float_range" : {...}

In this example top-level metafields a, b , int_reduce forward to top-level task float_reduce, but metafields float_scale and float_range forward to children tasks float_scale and float_range respectively. Content of float_scale distributed in the same way.

  1. (6 p.) In module implement the method resolve_node(self, task: Task[T], workspace: Optional[IWorkspace] = None) -> TaskNode[T]: of the class TaskTree and properties dependencies, is_leaf, unresolved_dependencies and has_dependence_errors of the class TaskNode. Instance of TaskTree contain tree of tasks and its dependencies (or of dependencies error). Instance of TaskNode is node of this tree. Method resolve_node accept the task and the workspace (optional if workspace is None using default workspace of the task) and return TaskNode instance which contain the task and TaskNode instances for resolving dependencies (returned by dependecies property), names of unresolving dependecies (returned by unresolved_dependencies properties). The property is_leaf return True if the task doesn’t have dependencies. The property has_dependence_errors return True if current node or any child node (on any level) have unresolving dependence.

  2. (2 p.) In module implement the method run(self, meta: Meta, task_node: TaskNode[T]) -> T: of the class SimpleRunner. This method run the method task_node.task.transform using the meta argument and result of invocation of the transform method from task_node dependencies. Content of the meta argument distributed by defined rules.

  3. (3 p.) In module implement the method execute(self, meta: Meta, task: Task[T], workspace: Optional[Workspace] = None) -> TaskResult[T]: of the class TaskMaster. This method implement next algorithm:

    1. Get the TaskNode instance for given task from existing or new task_tree.The method return TaskResult with TaskStatus.DEPENDENCIES_ERROR if the TaskNode instance has dependencies error.

    2. Verify metadata give in meta argument using MetaVerification.verify. Content of the meta argument distributed between tasks by defined rules. If metadata errors is presented, should be return TaskResult with TaskStatus.META_ERROR and TaskMetaError instance.

    3. Return TaskResult with TaskStatus.CONTAINS_DATA if dependencies or meta error is absent today. In argument lazy_data must be stored callable value which run invocation of the task in the task_runner.

  4. (4 p.) In module was be implmented CLI for task run, but dark wizard Volan-de-Mort deleted code from git history. Fortunately, I save the help outputs of this CLI. Restore content of using this outputs.

harry@hogwarts: python --help
usage: [-h] [-w WORKSPACE] command ...

Run task in workspace

positional arguments:
    structure           Print workspace structure
    run                 Run task

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -w WORKSPACE, --workspace WORKSPACE
                        Add path to workspace or file for module workspace

harry@hogwarts: python structure --help
usage: structure [-h]

  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

harry@hogwarts: python run --help
usage: run [-h] [-m META] TASKPATH

positional arguments:

  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -m META, --meta META  Metadata for task or path to file with metadata in JSON format
  1. (1 p.) Using (or toml file) create console script for call stem.cli_main:stem_cli_main function.

  2. (3* p.) (Optional task, for additional point) Add function for output task tree graph in image.

Assignment 7 (10 p.)

In this assignment you have to implement Dataforge Envelope — format for transmission messages contain meta-data and binary data.

  1. (2 p.) In module implement the method default(self, obj: Meta) -> Any: of the class MetaEncoder(JSONEncoder). Class MetaEncoder must allow to serialize Meta object to JSON format as encoder for module json.

  2. In module implement the class Envelope - format for transferring data via byte stream. Description of format see below. If data size less than Envelope._MAX_SIZE store data in the memory, otherwise on disk using memory mapping. Implement next methods for class Envelope:

    1. (3 p.) staticmetod read(input: BufferedReader) -> "Envelope" — create Envelope instance from stream.

    2. (3 p.) write_to(self, output: RawIOBase): — write Envelope instance to stream.

    3. (1 p.) staticmetod from_bytes(buffer: bytes) -> "Envelope": create Envelope instance from binary string.

    4. (1 p.) to_bytes(self) -> bytes — convert Envelope instance to binary string. Note: Use module struct for work with binary values.

Use next description of DataForge Envelope:

  • Tag .First 20 bytes of file or stream is reserved for envelope properties binary representation:

    • #~ - two ASCII symbols, beginning of binary string.

    • 4 bytes - properties type field: envelope format type and version. For default format the string DF02 is used, but in principle other envelope types could use the same format.

    • 2 bytes - properties metaType field: metadata encoding type.

    • 4 bytes - properties metaLength field: metadata length in bytes including new lines and other separators.

    • 4 bytes - properties dataLength field: the data length in bytes.

    • ~# - two ASCII symbols, end of binary string.

    • \r\n - two bytes, new line. The values are read as binary and transformed into 4-byte unsigned tag codes (Big endian).

  • Metadata block. Metadata in any accepted format which length equal to metaLength properties. In our implementation we will consider only JSON format.

  • Data block. Any other binary data which length equal to dataLength properties.

Assignment 8 (8 p.)

In this assignment will be asked to practice working with IO formats.

  1. (4 p.) (Protobuf, Magic methods) Let the data in the binary file be stored as a set of records. The record has the following format:

    • The first 8 bytes contain a number N;

    • The next N bytes contain a message in the protobuf format (the message scheme is the same for all records). Implement a class ProtoList in module that allows you to work with a file as a list of protobuf messages (without loading all messages in memory). Class ProtoList must open access to data in context manager, and close file on exit from context.

  2. (4 p.) (HDF, ZIP) Implement script for conversion binary data from CAEN multy channel ADC to HDF5 file. Example of data located by link, in archive Don’t extract data from archive: use ZipFiles for direct reading. In archive contains several files, each file is data from one channel of ADC. Every file contains set of entries. Entries in different files is synchronized (first entry in one file corresponds first entry in another file). Each entry contain 24-bytes header and 1024 float32 values. Convert ADC data to HDF5 Tables: index of row corresponds to number of event , index of column corresponds to number of channel. Item of table is 1024-sized array corresponds values from entry without header.

Assignment 9 (14 p.)

In this assignment you have to implement several inheritor of class TaskRunner.

  1. (4 p.) Using module threading implement class ThreadingRunner, which execute every task in own thread. Use MAX_WORKERS class field as maximum number of threads that can be used to execute.

  2. (4 p.) Using module asyncio implement class AsyncRunner, which execute every task in own coroutine.

  3. (6 p.) Using module multyprocessing implement class ProcessingRunner, which execute every task in own process. Use MAX_WORKERS class field as maximum number of processes that can be used to execute.

Assignment 10 (14 p.)

In this assignment you have to implement client and server side of remote workspace: create TCP server and handler allow send information about accessible tasks and run task in server workspace.

  1. (6 p.) In module implement the class UnitHander(StreamRequestHandler) which have access to some workspace, task tree and task master. Class UnitHandler get user request in Dataforge Envelope (see assigment 7) and return answer also in envelope format. Class UnitHandler must be implement next protocol:

    1. In input request contains message in envelope format. In message metadata block contains entries with key command. If input request don’t contain envelope message or envelope message don’t contain key command should send envelope answer with next meta entries:

      1. Entry with key status and value failed.

      2. Entry with key error and value contains information about error (exception message as example)

    2. If key command is presented in message, invoke next action and send result in envelope format:

      1. If command="run", check entry with key task_path in metadata and if present run this task. Result of task executing return as envelope.

      2. If command="structure", return envelope with workspace structure (use method structure of workspace).

      3. If command="powerfullity", return envelope with meta entry ``powerfullity` which contains some number constant.

  2. (1 p.) In module implement the method start_unit(workspace: IWorkspace, host: str, port: int, powerfullity: Optional[int] = None) which run TCP server able handle every request in own thread. For request handling use class UnitHander(StreamRequestHandler) from previous task.

  3. (1 p.) In module implement the method start_unit_in_subprocess(workspace: IWorkspace, host: str, port: int, powerfullity: Optional[int] = None) -> Process: which using method start_unit run TCP server in children process.

  4. (4 p.) In module implement the class RemoteWorkspace(IWorkspace) which connect to remote TCP server implemented in task 1-2.

  5. (2 p.) In module implement the class RemoteTask(Task) which connect to remote TCP server implemented in task 1-2.

Assignment 11 (8 p.)

In this assignment you have to implement a middleware server which provide access to computation server and distribute tasks between their.

  1. Implement next methods for class Envelope:

    1. (1 p.) async def async_read(reader: StreamReader) -> "Envelope":

    2. (1 p.) async def async_write_to(self, writer: StreamWriter):

  2. (4 p.) In module implement the class Distributor which provide access to units server (see assigment 10) and another distributor servers. Class Distributor get user request in Dataforge Envelope (see assigment 7) and return answer also in envelope format. Class Distributor must be implemented next protocol:

    1. In input request contains message in envelope format. In message metadata block contains entries with key command. If input request don’t contain envelope message or envelope message don’t contain key command should send envelope answer with next meta entries:

      1. Entry with key status and value failed.

      2. Entry with key error and value contains information about error (exception message as example)

    2. If key command is presented in message, invoke next action and send result in envelope format:

      1. If command="run", check entry with key task_path in metadata and if present select random child server (with weight by powerfullity) and run this task on selected child server. Result of task executing return as envelope.

      2. If command="structure", return envelope with workspace structure of child server.

      3. If command="powerfullity", return envelope with meta entry powerfullity which contains sum of child server powerfullity.

  3. (1 p.) In module implement the method start_distributor(host: str, port: int, servers: list[tuple[str, int]]) which using module asyncio run asynchronous TCP server. For request handling use class Distributor from previous task.

  4. (1 p.) In module implement the method start_distributor_in_subprocess(host: str, port: int, servers: list[tuple[str, int]]) -> Process which using method start_distributor run TCP server in children process.

Assignment 12 (12 p.)

In this assignment you start develop of STEM: Serious TEmperature Monitor — application with GUI, which allow measure temperature using USB thermometer, save results in database and present graph of the temperature.

  1. (1 p.) Add supportion on with-context in the class device.Thermometer. On enter in context must be call open method, on exit close method.

  2. (2 p.) In the module implement the class RunButton(QPushButton) which represent a push button with two state Run and Stop. Click on the button change state. In state Run button must be have label Run and set background color to green. In state Stop button must be have label Stop and set background color to red. Information of change state write as debug message to logging.root logger.

  3. (2 p.) In the module implement the class ThermometerController(QObject) which using method start\stop turn on\off data collection from device: Thermometer. After call of start method this class begin periodically (with period config.period, using itself timer of QObject) requests of data at the device and emit getting value to signal measurment. stop method stop its timer. Also start method pass debug message with temperature value to logging.root logger.

  4. (2 p.) In the module implement the class Central(QWidget) which must be used as central widget of main window. Add on this widget button from first task. Connect controller : ThermometerController to button click: click in state Run run controller.start, click in state Stop run controller.stop.

  5. (2 p.) In the module implement the class Main(QMainWindow) which represent main window of application. In this class setup window title "Serious TEmperature Monitor", add widget from previous task as central widget. Also using QSettings save last window size on exit and restore his by next run.

  6. (2 p.) Add to main window from previous task a dock widget (QDockWidget), which contain text output (QTextEditor). Connect this text output with logging.root logger (using LoggerHandler). Add to main window toolbar action which hide/show this dock.

  7. (1 p.) In the module implement the run method and create in entry point for run this method as console script.

Assignment 13 (8 p.)

In this assignment you continue to develop of STEM: Serious TEmperature Monitor — application with GUI, which allow measure temperature using USB thermometer, save results in database and present graph of the temperature.

  1. (6+2 p.) In the module implement the class Oscilloscope(QWidget) with view two graph: line plot with dependency temperature from time and histogram of measured temperature values. Connect oscilloscope to ThermometerController and update graph on every new measurement (ranges of y-axis must be setup dynamically) (6 p.). Line plot must be view data from last Oscilloscope.N points (ranges of x-axis of line plot must be setup dynamically). For every graph add axis labels, plot grid and secondary Y axis on right side of graphs (2 p.). Add oscilloscope widget to central windget of application.

Assignment 14 (12 p.)

In this assignment you continue to develop of STEM: Serious TEmperature Monitor — application with GUI, which allow measure temperature using USB thermometer, save results in database and present graph of the temperature.

  1. (2 p.) In the module implement the function from_dict(data: dict, factory: Type[T]) -> T which create dataclass instance of type factory (guaranteed what factory is dataclass type) from dict in take to account what type factory can be has another dataclass as field and its also can be created from nested dictionary entry.

  2. (2 p.) In the module implement the function resolve_config(factory: Type[T], user_path: Union[str,Path], default_path : Union[str,Path]) -> T which create dataclass instance of type factory (guaranteed what factory is dataclass type) from user/default config in YAML format (see config.yaml) by next algorithm:

    1. If user_path path exist than created from it.

    2. If user_path path don’t exist than check dafult_path path.

    3. If default_path path exist than created from it.

    4. If default_path path don’t exist than created dataclass with default field (its garuanted) and save this config to default_path in YAML format.

  3. (1 p.) In the module fixe the call of resolve_config in the function run. Add as default_path path to default user system directory for application config (used module appdirs, application name is STEM, application author is you username).

  4. (1 p.) In the module implement the class Point which describe table with two columns: temperature value and time of measurement (database usually have special types for datetime data).

  5. (4 p.) In the module implement the class Database with next methods:

    1. add_point(self, point: Point) — insert point to database.

    2. get_points(self, from_date: datetime) -> list[Point] — get list of point from given date.

    3. staticmethod create_or_connect_sqlite(config: SqliteConfig) -> "Database" create of Database instance with connect (or create and connect) to sqlite database with parameters from config.

    4. __init__(self, engine: Engine): — create the table Point in database engine

  6. (2 p.) Connect Database instance from run function to your application: autosave measured temperature and time of measurement in database, as well as on application start load on plot all points from last 15 minutes.

Assignment 15 (10 p.)

In this assignment you finish to develop of STEM: Serious TEmperature Monitor — application with GUI, which allow measure temperature using USB thermometer, save results in database and present graph of the temperature.

  1. (10 p.) In the module resolve all TODO (using protocol from and nextly in the module implement the class USBThermometer using RODOS56 class

USB-термометр RODOS-5

Для подачи команды на термометр:

  1. Ему передается буфер из девяти байт.

  2. Ожидаем некоторое время (таймаут).

  3. Считываем ответный буффер из девяти байт.

  4. Проверяем корректность ответа.

Правила заполнения буфера (для основных команд):

  • Нулевой байт всегда равен нулю

  • Неиспользуемые байты в конце буффера равны нулю

  • Первый и второй байт задают команду

  • Начиная с третьего байта идут пользовательские данные/выходные данные термометра

Проверка корректности считывания:

  • Первые три байта выходного буфера должны быть равны первым трём байтам входного

Описание команд:


первый/второй байт


Куда записываются пользовательские данные

Как парсить ответ



10 ms

Записать один бит


5 ms

в третий байт буфера, надо передать байт у которого все биты кроме первого равны нулю

третий байт равен переданному

Записать один байт


5 ms

надо передать байт в третий байт буфера

третий байт равен переданному

Записать четыре байта


5 ms

Передаваемые байты надо записать с 3 по 7 позицию буффера

3-7 байты выходного буфера равны переданным

Прочитать 2 бита


5 ms

В 3-4 позицию буфера надо записать 0x01

3-4 байты выходного буфера в первом бите содержат необходимые занчения

Прочитать один байт


5 ms

В 3 байт надо записать 0xFF

В 3 позиции выходного буфера будет считанный байт

Прочитать четыре байта


30 ms

В 3-7 байты надо записать 0xFF

В 3-7 позиции выходного буфера будет считанные байты

Получить ID устройства



Последние четыре байта, безнаковое целое в big-endian