Getting started
To install TurchinReg.jl, start up Julia and type the following code-snipped into the REPL.
import Pkg
Let's consider the simplest case of deconvolution. The function to be reconstructed $\varphi(x)$ is the sum of two Gaussian distributions.
using Plots
gr(size=(500,500), html_output_format=:png)
a = 0
b = 6.
function phi(x::Real)
mu1 = 2.
mu2 = 4.
n1 = 4.
n2 = 2.
sig1 = 0.4
sig2 = 0.5
norm(n, mu, sig, x) = n / sqrt(2 * pi*sig^2) * exp(-(x - mu)^2 / (2 * sig^2))
return norm(n1, mu1, sig1, x) + norm(n2, mu2, sig2, x)
x = collect(range(a, stop=b, length=300));
plot(x, phi.(x), title="Real phi function", label="Phi(x)")
After integration we get data and errors. kernel
- kernel function, y
- measurement points, f
- data points, sig
- data errors.
using QuadGK
kernel_name = "rectangular"
kernel(x::Real, y::Real) = getOpticsKernels(kernel_name)(x, y)
convolution = y -> quadgk(x -> kernel(x,y) * phi(x), a, b, rtol=10^-5, maxevals=10^7)[1]
y = collect(range(a, stop=b, length=30))
ftrue = convolution.(y)
sig = 0.1*ftrue + [0.01 for i = 1:Base.length(ftrue)]
using Compat, Random, Distributions
noise = []
for sigma in sig
n = rand(Normal(0., sigma), 1)[1]
push!(noise, n)
f = ftrue + noise;
plot(y, f, title="$(kernel_name) kernel", label="f(y)", seriestype=:scatter, yerr=sig)
Let's proceed to the reconstruction.
To reconstruct function you need to load data $f(y)$ and data errors $\delta f(y)$ and define kernel $K(x, y)$. There are two possibilities: use vector & matrix form or continuous form. In the first case $K(x, y)$ is matrix $n \times m$, $f(y)$ and $\delta f(y)$ - n-dimensional vectors. In the second case $K(x, y)$ is a function, $f(y)$ and $\delta f(y)$ can be either functions or vectors. If they are functions, knot vector $y$ should be specified (points where the measurement is taken).
We have already defined all needed data (
is a list of measurement points,f
is a list of function values at these points,sig
is a list of error in these points)Basis:
We will use Cubic Spline Basis with knots in data points and zero boundary conditions on both sides.
basis = CubicSplineBasis(y, "dirichlet")
p = plot()
for func in basis.basis_functions
p = plot!(x, func.(x), title="B-spline basis functions", legend=false, show = true)
- Model:
To reconstruct the function, we use matrix of the second derivatives as a prior information. Then we choose a solution model. It requires basis and a set of matrices that contain prior information, in our case it is smoothness. The method we use is called "EmpiricalBayes", it means that $\alpha$ is chosen as a maximum of posterior probability $P(\alpha | f)$. Also, it is important to set higher and lower bounds of $\alpha$ and initial value for optimisation.
Omega = omega(basis, 2)
model = GaussErrorUnfolder(basis, [Omega], "EmpiricalBayes", nothing, [1e-8], [10.], [0.3])
- Reconstruction:
To reconstruct the function we use $solve()$ that returns PhiVec
structure containing coefficients of basis function in the sum $\varphi(x) = \sum_{k=1}^N coeff_n \psi_n(x)$, their errors $errors_n$ ($\delta \varphi = \sum_{k=1}^N errors_n \psi_n(x)$), optimal parameter of smoothness $\alpha$, reconstructed function and error function.
Omega = omega(basis, 2)
result = solve(basis, f, sig, kernel, y, BATSampling(), ArgmaxOptim(), [Omega], PhiBounds());
- Results
Representation of results in a convenient way is possible with PhiVec
phi_reconstructed = result.solution_function.(x)
phi_reconstructed_errors = result.error_function.(x)
plot(x, phi_reconstructed, ribbon=phi_reconstructed_errors, fillalpha=0.3, label="Reconstructed function with errors")
plot!(x, phi.(x), label="Real function")
Full notebook you can find in examples/getting_started.ipynb